Oral Presentations

Deadline for Oral Abstract Submission is 10th July 2023.
  • There will be one scientific session for oral paper presentations (06) on qualitative and quantitative research data based upon themes of the conference.
  • Submission of abstract will be called. Selected papers will be given opportunity for presentations.

Conference Themes

Each theme given below needs to be addressed for managing mental health issues and empowering Displaced Afghans. Following are suggested themes for oral and poster presentations:

1. Trauma and violence and interventions

2. Restoring safety, control, and predictability

3. Emergency and crisis intervention

4. Care, protection, and management

5. Psychological management on borders

6. Addressing stigma, discrimination, and marginalization of Displaced Afghans

7. Engaging host communities

8. Empowering women, children and youth

9. Empowering through education

10. Promoting resilience and coping

11. Policy making and strategies for promoting inclusion, diversity, and peace

Important Links

Conference Registration